Quick & Easy Curry Puffs (jaffles)

Curry Puffs (serves 4)
2 tbsp cooking oil
1/2 med onion diced
1 cup potato1cm cubed
1 cup sweet potato /pumpkin 1cm cubed
1 cup frozen mixed vege (carrot, peas, corn)
2 tsp turmeric powder
2 tsp vegetable powder
A handful of curry leave fresh (optional)*
.1 tbsp PoppySmack Fiery Vegan Sambal
4-6 sheets of store-bought puff pastries
Jaffle maker
To make filling
Heat oil in a thick base frypan with lid.
Add onion, sauté until lightly caramelized.
Add PoppySmack Fiery Chilli Sambal and turmeric, sauté for another minute.
Add the rest of ingredients and gently stir over medium heat for 5 minutes until combined.
Add 2 tbsp of water, stir then cover to cook for another 5 minutes. Potatoes should be just cooked and slightly soft when pressed with a fork. Taste, add a pinch of salt or extra Fiery Vegan Sambal if spicier flavour is preferred. Set aside.**
To assemble puff
Heat the jaffle maker
Cut a line down the middle of the square sheet creating 2 rectangular sheets
Line the jaffle with 1 rectangular sheet & spoon the fillings into each of the triangles.
Place the second rectangular sheet of pastry over the top of the fillings.
Close the jaffle maker and cook the pastry until the pastry is golden and crunchy. Takes about 7-10 mins depending on your appliance.
*We used homegrown organic dry leave here so they can be crumbled into finer pieces.
**Filling can be kept in the fridge for up to a week until ready to use. Excellent for freezing.